All about Shannon Curvey

As owner of Function-N-Fitness, massage therapist, and medical exercise specialist, I have the honor of helping people manage their pain and tension. This course was born out of the desire to teach others to fish and not just provide you with fish.

Find out more about Function-N-Fitness at Function-N-

What to do when you can't get to your massage therapist?

We all found out during the COVID stay at home order of 2020, that maneuvering without our regular massage therapy session was indeed a challenge. As a massage therapist, I wanted so badly to give my clients some relief from a far. So this course is my solution to how to get by when you cant get to your massage therapist right away!

I hope you enjoy!


Course outcomes

Completing this course will give you the tools to manage your tension when you can not get in to see your regular massage therapist.